System Team leader Contrat : CDI

Il y a 10 months ago | Automobile / Motos / Cycles | Rabat | 80 Vues

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ALTEN DELIVERY CENTER MAROC,Filiale du leader mondial de l’ingénierie et du conseil en technologie créé en2008 et présent à Fès, Rabat, Tétouan et Casablanca, compte aujourd’hui plus de2300 consultants et vise un centre d’excellence de 3100 consultants ALTENiensen fin 2024. Avec plus de 90 recrutements par mois, ALTEN Maroc est désormaisun acteur majeur de l’insertion professionnelle des ingénieurs. Nousaccompagnons nos clients, leaders de l’Industrie dans leurs stratégies dedéveloppement dans les domaines de l’automobile, du ferroviaire, de l’IT, de laR&D et des Télécoms & Médias.

RejoindreALTEN MAROC c'est bénéficier :

  • Des parcours professionnels diversifiés avec des opportunités de carrière, une mobilité interne, sectorielle, géographique et métiers.
  • Des formations certifiantes et diplômantes.
  • Des événements réguliers pour combiner bien être et performance.

Parc Fès Shore Parc- Route sidi Hrazem - Fès - Maroc


The System Team Lead leads and animates the cross-functional feature team composed at least by representative of each team impacted by the feature (i.e. Business, onboard/offboard Component, Concept, Design & Arch, Vehicle Architecture, Integration & Validation, Customer Experience, teams).

He is responsible for building and monitoring the end to end feature development plan, considering all deliverables and phases related to the feature (from concept to validation phase across design and development phase).

The System Team Lead has to escalate to the proper escalation path any deviation to the shared and agreed plan. He has to animate (and organize workshops if needed) in order to solve and remove whatever roadblock/dependencies providing technical coordination of tasks and issues.

He has to prioritize activities/backlog according to the feature needs, after interaction with all stakeholders and customers.

As a System Team Lead you will need to:

  • Be responsible for the timely delivery of the product and its final quality
  • Lead the design phase of the features
  • Prioritize the activities/backlog according to the features needs
  • Collaborate with business/product development departments to understand their requirements and needs to ensure the highest value is delivered
  • Build and maintain a roadmap for the feature development
  • Make sure that the design , architecture and lower level requirements are released on time and are ensure that requirements are coerent at each level
  • Check with the development team or supplier that the plan is being followed
  • Support and monitor the Integration and Validation plan
  • Animate the cross-functional team to ensuring that all dependencies are satisfied and removing blocking points
  • Act as filter for all of the interactions with other departments requiring changes, information or whose work is needed for the feature delivery
  • Build a strong technical background to understand to a quite fine level of detail the mechanisms and issues that will impact the feature
  • Follow any Safety aspects related to the features (if any)
  • Report and escalate (if necessary), the feature status to the management and business team
Profile recherché

Master degree in embedded System.

At least 3 years of experience in Program/Project Management in automotive

What you will need as technical-skills:

  • A deep knowledge of Agile methodologies and particularly of the Scrum/SaFE framework
  • A background in electronics, computer engineering, telecommunications or programming
  • A good understanding of the specific requirements for embedded systems
  • Knowledge of automotive architectures and communication protocols (as CAN, MOST and Ethernet)
  • Knowledge of automotive specific requirements in terms of security, production plants, aftersale, etc.
  • A good understanding of the protocols and security principles required for connected applications
Recherches emploi associées
informatique electronique