Research Scientist in Climate Modeling and Surface Processes Contrat : CDI

Il y a 1 year ago | Enseignement / Formation | Benguerir | 84 Vues

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Mohammed VI Polytechnic University is an institution dedicated to research and innovation in Africa and aims to position itself among world-renowned universities in its fields The University is engaged in economic and human development and puts research and innovation at the forefront of African development. A mechanism that enables it to consolidate Morocco’s frontline position in these fields, in a unique partnership-based approach and boosting skills training relevant for the future of Africa. Located in the municipality of Benguerir, in the very heart of the Green City, Mohammed VI Polytechnic University aspires to leave its mark nationally, continentally, and globally.


Lot 660, Hay Moulay Rachid, Ben Guerir 43150


Mohammed VI Polytechnic University

International Water Research Institute (IWRI)

Position Announcement

Job Title: Research Scientist in Climate Modeling and Surface Processes

Area of specialization in IWRI Research and Education: Climate modeling and water cycle variability and change in (North-)Africa

Job description:

The International Water Research Institute (IWRI) at Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (UM6P) invites applications for Research Scientist position specialized in climate modeling and water cycle variability and change. The Maghreb is currently facing strong pressures on water resources due to demographic growth and intensification of agricultural activities, but also, and even more importantly, owing to climate change. The adaptation strategies regarding the use of water resources and the infrastructure policies that shall be decided strongly depend on our understanding of the physical processes that govern the water cycle in this region and on our ability to predict the evolution of the north-African climate in the coming decades.

The job is dedicated to applied research aiming at improving climate modeling in Morocco and North Africa through improved understanding of climate variability and change related mechanisms, model parametrization as well as bias correction

The successful candidate will have experience in one or more of the following areas: numerical climate modeling, surface processes, parameterization development, observationally based model evaluation. A good knowledge of Moroccan and north African climate and drivers is an asset.

Key duties:

Successful candidate is expected to:

  • Develop and carry out climate model experiments to evaluate and explore potential model improvements in simulating Moroccan and north African climate.
  • Carry out a fine evaluation of the model and prospect possible changes to improve water cycle modeling including precipitation related parametrizations and surface processes.
  • Conduct model tests with different configurations and resolutions
  • Collaborate with colleagues and scientists in the UM6P-IWRI and partner institutions to ensure adequate achievements.
  • Publish the results of personal and sponsored research in international journals refereed by his/her peers.

About IWRI:

UM6P-IWRI International Water Research Institute is the newest institute located in Morocco, at Benguerir but the main infrastructures are planned in Mazagan and Laâyoune. The institute is dedicated to interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary education and research around water and climate.

The objectives are to conduct cutting-edge research where local themes are connected to global issues of water and climate, with a focus on:

  • Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM)
  • Development of water related technologies (irrigation, water supply and sanitation, desalination, demineralization, treatment and recycling for water reuse)
  • Climate Change and Adaptation Strategies
  • Water-Energy-Food-Health-Education Nexus
  • Water in and for Soil, Droughts and desertification
  • Water Related Hazards
    • Floods (“Hydrometeorological” hazard)
    • Ground Instability
    • Water Pollution
    • Air-Water-Ocean interactions
    • Climate change
  • Integrated coastal zone management (ICZM)
  • Water information, knowledge and decision systems
  • Forecasting and Warning Systems
  • Environmental Considerations and Sustainable development
Profile recherché

Criteria/skills of the candidate:

  • PhD or Research Engineer with experience in climate sciences or closely related field
  • The candidate should have experience in climate model development and surface-atmosphere interactions
  • Good knowledge in observationally based model evaluation
  • A strong programming background and use of HPC is required.
  • A good knowledge of Moroccan and north African climate and drivers is highly appreciated.
  • Good communication skills, both verbal and writing are important. Fluency in French and English are required.
  • Ability to travel for missions of several months (up to 6 month per year) outside Morocco (e.g in France).

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