HR OPS & PAYROLL Officer Spain Contrat : CDD

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AXA Group Operations – Centre opérationnel d’excellence du Groupe AXA.

Chez AXA, notre mission est de donner aux gens les moyens de vivre une vie meilleure. Grâce à l'innovation et à l'exécution, nous devons passer du statut de « Payeur » à un partenaire de confiance dans la vie de nos clients. Les objectifs concrets des activités du groupe sont de créer de la valeur pour l’organisation globale AXA, de collaborer avec le groupe Business Innovation pour encourager l’innovation et intégrer la simplicité et l’autonomisation dans notre contribution à la mission et à la stratégie d’AXA.

Présent dans plus de 18 pays, AXA Group Operations est le centre opérationnel d’excellence du Groupe AXA. Opérant dans les domaines de l’IT (Information Technology), Data & Innovation, Sécurité Informatique, Finance, Procurement, Transformation et Outsourcing, nous accompagnons la stratégie du Groupe : Devenir une entreprise innovante « Customer driven & Tech-led ».

AXA Group Operations Maroc

Présente au Maroc depuis 2009, AXA Group Opérations Maroc est une entité d’offshoring. Avec ses 300 collaborateurs et ses différents centres d’expertise opérant dans les domaines de l’informatique, de la Gestion de projet, de la Finance et des Ressources Humaines, AXA GO Maroc soutient Group Operations dans la réalisation de sa mission.


Technopolis Pôle Offshoring Rabat, Immeuble B2 Axa 11100 Sala El Jadida



The HR Operations & payroll Specialist will be in charge within the team of multiple cross-functional activities linked to a concrete scope, he/she will be versatile in the execution of the tasks to ensure the back-up and the adoption of the rotation with the other members of the team.


He/she is responsible for performing the following activities:

Onboarding, offboarding and internal mobilities:

  • Process the request for employees onboarding/offboarding and internal mobilities. This includes:
  • Contacting employees and collecting necessary documents
  • Activating/ deactivating benefits
  • Updating the movements in the global and local tools

HR Data Quality and Administration:

  • Ensuring good data quality in the HR tools with frequent synchronization with relevant stakeholders. (Opco, employees, manager,) reporting technical problems identified to the support teams,
  • Creating HR reporting to meet requestors needs such as HR audits and “social data reporting”

Employee and Manager Requests Management:

  • Management of employee/managers requests (back-office) , analysis and follow up
  • Liaise with the HR Operations office for Governance and synchronization with the different teams to review requests and anticipate overflow and future actions if necessary.
  • Think out of the box and propose continuous process improvement actions.

Payroll Management:

  • Update payroll data into HR Tools
  • Control payroll reports monthly
  • Liaise with the HR operation officer for synchronization


  • Creation of Purchase orders for HR providers.
  • Follow up of the invoice until the payment. Attendance report
Profile recherché



  • HR Generalist profile
  • Bac +5 / 3ans minimum
  • Fluent in Spanish & English


  • Ability to manage multiple processes simultaneously and ensure cross functional alignment.
  • Autonomy, responsiveness, and ability to learn quickly.
  • Strong communication and coordination skills to collaborate effectively with different teams (ability to work within an international teams & adapt to different cultural contexts)
  • Strong analytical skills to understand the full process, its impact, and potential risks.
  • Problem Solving, focus on employee experience
  • Ability to learn from mistakes and use the knowledge and experience to continuously improve the HR processes.


  • Comfortable with numbers, Key performance indicators
  • Advanced proficiency in excel (mandatory)
  • Strong proficiency in word including mail merge (publipostage)
  • Basic knowledge of the Spanish payroll and labor regulations
Recherches emploi associées
rh personnel formation