Functional Infoconnectivity and HMI Subsystem Contrat : CDI

Il y a 1 year ago | Automobile / Motos / Cycles | Rabat | 87 Vues

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ALTEN DELIVERY CENTER MAROC, Filiale du leader mondial de l’ingénierie et du conseil en technologie créé en 2008 et présent à Fès, Rabat, Tétouan et Casablanca, compte aujourd’hui plus de 2300 consultants et vise un centre d’excellence de 3100 consultants ALTENiens en fin 2024. Avec plus de 90 recrutements par mois, ALTEN Maroc est désormais un acteur majeur de l’insertion professionnelle des ingénieurs. Nous accompagnons nos clients, leaders de l’Industrie dans leurs stratégies de développement dans les domaines de l’automobile, du ferroviaire, de l’IT, de la R&D et des Télécoms & Médias.

Rejoindre ALTEN MAROC c’est bénéficier :

· Des parcours professionnels diversifiés avec des opportunités de carrière, une mobilité interne, sectorielle, géographique et métiers.

· Des formations certifiantes et diplômantes.

· Des événements réguliers pour combiner bien être et performance.


Parc Fès Shore Parc- Route sidi Hrazem - Fès - Maroc


Own Technical Products and collaborate with internal and external stakeholders to develop design and technical requirements

• Define allocation of function(s) across the Sub-System and document the feature design for the development of components functionality and interfaces

• Act as the central resources for design as the product moves through development

• Act as feature Sub-System architect champions when coordinating product development with business stakeholder and align design activity with business goals and priorities in coordination with the STL (System Team Leader) of relevant System Team

• Manage the prioritization and refinement of the design work products while working with the development teams to clarify requirements balancing business needs with technical constraints, in coordination with the STL of the relevant System Team

• Take the lead on issue resolution for systems design and maintain knowledge of application development and connectivity domain in the industry

• Work with Business and Product teams to define primary customer requirements for new infoconnectivity features, in coordination with the STL of the relevant System Team

• Work with integration and development teams on a daily basis to identify, root cause and correct issues

• Support Creation of user stories and requirements defining feature functionality

• Grant the creation of the deliverables of their Sub-System for each design step under project management

• Ensure design traceability between the inputs and outputs of their subsystem up to the component layer or parts (functional, dysfunctional – corner and negative cases coverage -, organic requirements, whether they are in text format or in the form of specification models)

• Ensure that technical reviews of subsystem deliverables are carried out according to the internal stakeholders and contractor's schedule and according to the process approved by Quality Team

• Ensure the optimized transversality (cross-platform or cross-range) of the subsystem architecture, design and requirements

• Contribute to the optimization of their Sub-System application solutions

• Contribute to the definition of the Module/Sub-Systems/Component layer technical strategies/policies

• Support the definition of the Integration and Validation plans and test cases

• Manage the correction of the problem when the Sub-System design is involved]

Profile recherché

Master degree in Embedded / electronics

• Over 5 years experience in the same position

• Knowledge of vehicle networks (CAN, ETH, etc)

• Knowledge of communication networks and protocols (MQTT, lwM2M, etc)

• Knowledge on real time OS and/or POSIX OS (Linux, Android, etc)

• Knowledge of modelling and design languages (UML, etc)

• Knowledge of modelling and design tools (Enterprise Architect, Rhapsody, etc)

• Knowledge of activities management tools (JIRA, RTC, etc)

• Knowledge of requirements tracking tools (Doors, Enovia, etc)

• English speaking and writing (Advanced, for who will be in direct contact with people working on the Programs)

• Automotive Electronic and vehicle EE Architectures knowledge

• Supplier management (for those who will be in direct contact with other suppliers for technical design activities)

Recherches emploi associées
informatique electronique