EPP Expert Contrat : CDI

Il y a 2 months ago | Assurance / Courtage | Rabat | 91 Vues

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Référencée au sein de nombreux grands comptes en tant que fournisseur de prestation IT, Excel Management Conseil est une société de services en informatique existante depuis plus de 10 ans.

Riche d’une expérience significative en France et en Europe, notre groupe E.X.M.C se positionne en tant qu’acteur majeur sur le marché des sociétés de services en ingénierie informatique.

Nous intervenons à la fois sur des périmètres Métiers, Techniques et Opérationnels. Notre groupe affiche un effectif de plus de 300 collaborateurs disponibles et mobiles.

Nous sommes structuré autour de Quatre Pôles :

  • Le Consulting et Assistance à Maîtrise d'Ouvrage (MOA, AMOA) dédié Banques, Finance, Assurances.
  • L’ingénierie applicative (La maîtrise d'œuvre de projets informatiques (MOE), Ingénierie de développement, TMA, TRA, …)
  • La production et les infrastructures (Ingénierie, Assistance Technique infogérance, architecture systèmes et réseaux, sécurité, cyber sécurité , Digital…)
  • L’Informatique Décisionnelle et BIG DATA (Architecture(Avant-vente/POC/ Pilotage Projet) , Développement, Expertise (Hadoop,NoSQL, …))

REGUS, Hay riad 10100 Rabat


As a EPP project management service, service will consist on:

Formalization of Processes and Procedures:

  • Develop, formalize, and maintain the processes and procedures related to the security operations of the Endpoint Protection activity (including Patch Management, Change Management, Access Control, Backup & Restore, etc.).

Coordination of Integrations and Transitions:

  • Coordinate the integration of entities in the acquisition of Endpoint Protection services.
  • Support entities in the transition from project mode to operational mode (BAU).

Management of Policies and Changes:

  • Lead and manage changes to the policies applied to agents deployed on the assets of entities globally.

Management of Agent Updates:

  • Identify assets using obsolete versions of agents and communicate findings to the relevant entities.
  • Assist entities in the agent update process.

Change Management:

  • Manage change requests in accordance with the overall change management process mandated by the group.

Oversight of Asset Inventory:

  • Monitor and update the asset inventory, including the decommissioning of obsolete assets.

Dashboards and Reporting:

  • Prepare and present dashboards describing the progress of activities to the relevant managers.

Vulnerability Scans:

  • Oversee the vulnerability scans conducted.

Participation in Audits and Risk Assessments:

  • Participate in internal audits, risk assessments, and compliance controls, including under the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) and Security Risk Assessment.
Profile recherché
  • Hands on expertise on EPP products – expertise of Broadcom solution is mandatory.
  • Proven 5 years in the same position
  • Expertise with security assessment methodologies such as risk assessment, vulnerability assessment, and threat modeling.
  • Expertise of security threats models, standards and regulations.
  • Technical project coordination.
  • IT security expertise.
Recherches emploi associées
informatique electronique