Direct Materiel Buyer Contrat : CDI

Il y a 1 year ago | Automobile / Motos / Cycles | Rabat | 88 Vues

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ALTEN MAROC filiale du leader mondial de l'Ingénierie et du Conseil en Technologies (ICT), avec 40 000 collaborateurs au monde dont plus de 1000 au Maroc répartis sur trois Centres d'Excellence à Fès, Rabat et Casa, nous accompagnons nos clients en offrant des solutions d'ingénierie agiles et novatrices pour les grands donneurs d'ordre mondial dans les secteurs de l'automobile, l'aéronautique, les réseaux & télécoms, Software & Outils.

Rejoindre ALTEN MAROC c'est bénéficier :

  • Des parcours professionnels diversifiés avec des opportunités de carrière, une mobilité interne, sectorielle, géographique et métiers.
  • Des formations certifiantes et diplômantes.
  • Des événements réguliers pour combiner bien être et performance.

Parc Fès Shore Parc- Route sidi Hrazem - Fès - Maroc



Scope of the activity is to provide support to Direct Material Purchasing team.

Direct Material Buyer will be responsible to manage sourcings, contract execution and supplier performance for an assigned set of commodities.

Activity description :

The buyer is accountable for the following activities:

To define or contribute to the Commodity Strategy (COMMS) of his/her perimeter
To prepare and manage RFQ (Request for quotation) in line with the bidlist defined through the commodity strategy of the perimeter in charge
To make supplier Recommandation (REC) during Sourcing Table decision meetings
To generate the Purchase Agreement (contract) in line with the supplier selection made (REC)
To ensure contract execution : LTA application, quality, logistic, development performance, capacity increase, …
To manage escalation level with suppliers for Quality, logistic, obsolete when needed
To prepare, manage, execute resourcings
To manage and negotiate purchasing performance through negotiating and monitoring the whole set of available leverages like commercial performance (including commercial claims), Monozokuri, Value Optimization (VO) and Raw Material indexation/optimization

Profile recherché

Main deliverables

Recommendation of suppliers according to sourcing timing, cost targets and commodity strategy
Elaborate and ensure the signature of the Purchase Agreement and or GT&Cs
Economical performances including VO, in line with Division and Commodity Group’s targets
Resourcing recommendation in line with Division and Commodity Group’s targets (including Low Cost Country Sourcing)
Quality, logistic and Vehicle Off Road (VOR) performance in line with GPSC’s targets
All business administration linked to this position

You have:

Bac+5 in industrial engineering/logistics

Recherches emploi associées
achats supply chain