Country Chief Accountant Contrat : CDI

Il y a 10 months ago | Comptabilité / Audit | Casablanca | 83 Vues

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Capgemini est un leader mondial, responsable et multiculturel, regroupant 325 000 personnes dans plus de 50 pays. Partenaire stratégique des entreprises pour la transformation de leurs activités en tirant profit de toute la puissance de la technologie, le Groupe est guidé au quotidien par sa raison d’être : libérer les énergies humaines par la technologie pour un avenir inclusif et durable.

Fort de 55 ans d’expérience et d’une grande expertise des différents secteurs d’activité, Capgemini est reconnu par ses clients pour répondre à l’ensemble de leurs besoins, de la stratégie et du design jusqu’au management des opérations, en tirant parti des innovations dans les domaines en perpétuelle évolution du cloud, de la data, de l’Intelligence Artificielle, de la connectivité, des logiciels, de l’ingénierie digitale et des plateformes. Le Groupe a réalisé un chiffre d'affaires de 18 milliards d'euros en 2021.


1100, bd El Qods (Sidi Maârouf), Casanearshore, shore 8, Imm. A

  • Preparing financial statements, closing the books, and preparing the necessary paperwork for financial reporting purposes (IFRS and statutory)
  • Consolidating and preparing the reporting of financial entities and produce compliant internal as well as external reporting
  • Governing the quality, consistency, and integrity of financials
  • Developing, deploying, and ensuring compliance with accounting and fiscal policies as well as Group instructions
  • Overseeing internal control frameworks and ensuring the design efficiency as well as operating effectiveness of internal controls
  • Developing and sharing accounting expertise as well as knowledge
  • Responsible for the production of the company's financial statements, the proper application of accounting standards and the management of relations with third parties (suppliers, tax authorities, etc.)
  • In charge of the application of legal obligations in accounting and tax declarations
  • Responsible for supervising all recorded entries
  • Responsible for the management and support of the teams, and the implementation of IT solution
  • Gather and maintain documents related to accounts payable and receivable, assets and liabilities, and financial transactions
  • Ensure the monitoring of banking, accounting, tax and financial operations
Profile recherché

Personal qualities :

  • Strong interpersonal and team building skills; ability to work with a diverse team and influence/drive change across functional and business boundaries
  • Demonstrated problem solving and analytical skills
  • Ability to handle multiple projects simultaneously in a fast-paced environment

Qualifications/Requirements :

  • Master’s in Accounting, Finance or similar
  • 10 years of relevant experience
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Attention to accuracy, detail, and ability to work independently are required.
  • Knowledge of accounting, financial methodologies and reporting - very good knowledge of Moroccan accounting standards and tax law (VAT, CIT, WHT), IFRS
Recherches emploi associées
audit conseil