Automotive Engineering H/F Contrat : CDI

Il y a 1 year ago | Aéronautique / Spatial | Rabat | 158 Vues

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The “Université Internationale de Rabat” (UIR) is a university in a partnership with Moroccan State, with highly qualified personnel training mission. Its undergraduate, postgraduate and apprenticeship programs are based on academic partnerships with world class and prestigious national and international academic institutions with research and industry partnerships.” In addition, the UIR is focusing on R&D, technology innovation on materials and renewable energy according to the strategic priorities of Morocco as defined by “Plan Emergence” and “Renewable Energy Plan”. The UIR includes different colleges (Engineering & Architecture, Humanities & Social Sciences, Management, and Health). UIR has 7200 students for the academic year 2023 – 2024. The UIR campus is located close to Technopolis at 10 Km from Rabat

The School of Aerospace Engineering and the School of Automotive Engineering at the “Université Internationale de Rabat” that is in partnership with Georgia Institute of technology in Atlanta USA, Lorraine France and Mississippi State University in USA invite applications for a full-time faculty position in Automotive engineering at the Assistant, Associate or Full professor level with research emphasis in all areas of Automotive engineering in the broadest possible sense.


Technopolis Rabat-Shore Rocade Rabat-Salé



The School of the Aerospace and Automotive engineering, International University of Rabat (UIR) invites applications for a faculty position in the areas of Vehicle powertrain systems, Vehicle design and analysis, Automotive styling & Vehicle dynamics, Vehicle Performance Testing, Automotive Structures and Production of auto components, and related fields. Candidates are expected to have a strong commitment to teaching excellence and student advising at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels in Automotive engineering. The candidate must possess track recorded for research supervising capability to the Ph.D research candidates. Applicants must have an earned PhD doctorate in one of the announced areas and relevant teaching experience in Automotive engineering. The candidate is expected to have a strong research potential, demonstrated by relevant publications in high-impact journals, and provide service to the department, the university, and the profession. In addition, the candidates are expected to assist in the education mission of the school and to provide whatever academic service is requested. Applicants should articulate their plans to set up a research program attracting outside research sponsorship, contributing to the Automotive industry, and resulting in published. The English language is essential since teaching of all courses is in English.


We invite applicants with research interests in Electric Vehicles, renewable energy integration for EV charging station, Automotive Structures, Power Electronics, Battery Technology, Impact of electric vehicle charging on distribution network and solution, Internet of things, etc., Applicants should submit a plan of their research program aligned with the areas indicated above along with their research experience and their publications in refereed journals as well as the list of the supervised graduate students (Master and PhD) that graduated. Successful candidates are also expected to be involved in thematic research in advanced materials, renewable energy.

Profile recherché

The candidate is expected to have a strong research potential, demonstrated by relevant publications in high-impact journals, and provide service to the department, the university, and the profession.
The English language is essential since teaching of all courses is in English.

Recherches emploi associées