System Engineer Contrat : CDI

Il y a 1 year ago | Automobile / Motos / Cycles | Rabat | 104 Vues

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ALTEN MOROCCO, a subsidiary of the world leader in Engineering and Technology Consulting (ICT), with 46,000 employees worldwide, including more than 1,500 in Morocco, spread over four Centers of Excellence in Fez, Rabat, Casablanca and Tetouan, supports its customers by offering agile and innovative engineering solutions for major global contractors in the automotive, aeronautics, networks & telecoms and software & tools sectors.

Joining ALTEN MOROCCO means benefiting from :

- Diversified career paths with career opportunities, internal, sectoral, geographic and business mobility.
- Training leading to certification and a degree.
- Regular events to combine well-being and performance


Parc Fès Shore Parc- Route sidi Hrazem - Fès - Maroc


* Electiricity & electronics: Storage Systems / Electrical machines ( Starter/Alternator)/DC/DC Convertors…)

* System Engineering:
- Needs analysis

- Functionnal Architecture

- Validation specification

- Risk analysis

- QCDP analysis

- V cycle knowledge

Profile recherché

Engineering or Master degree in Embedded Systems, Electronic , Electric with at least 3 years’ experience

Recherches emploi associées
informatique electronique